Based? Based on what?
submissions extensively scanned for malware
files stored on the decentralized permaweb
no ads, no accounts,  no download caps
This site aims to give a platform to deplatformed user generated content in a straightforward, user-friendly manner.
>didn't we already have Non-Newtonian?
The rentry pastebin stopped activity and only provided links to mods on external hosting services, vulnerable to deletion. I'm happy to announce that thanks to your support I've implemented a fully decentralized database. This allows for much greater functionality (like the dynamic pages) without the risk of censorship at the hands of corporate giants like AWS or Google Cloud. More stuff is coming but beginning October i will have much less free time so expect slower updates. Note that this is experimental and may be prone to disturbances. If at any time the infrastructure gets overloaded or runs out of resources, there exists a backup page, using the old RESTAPI calls and running on a seperate instance.
You can also pin it yourself, its ipfs CID is: bafybeiew2kp2dzhritghh6val4wweynd5bspbnq6xbc7rs4zn5hjhnka3e